Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chronicle Number 36: It's Good Boyfriend Isn't Naming These.*

Why is it that life seems to consists of long stretches of doing nothing, then extremely short stretches of frenzied activity? It's not that I don't anticipate my tests- I do. I feel like I'm getting ready in time, and then- BOOM! A million tasks fall upon me.

For instance, I began studying for my biochemistry test about a week ago. This, I would like to inform you, was two weeks away from my test. Starting to study (and I mean legit study, not just read a chapter or go over one's notes) two weeks in advance is a eon for a college student. I thought I was being soooo responsible. I was on it, ready to meet any challenge advanced to me.

The world likes to prove me wrong.

LINDSAY: I've planned for you world, I've got this. You can't throw anything at me now!
THE WORLD: They're so cute when they're optimistic. *CRUSHES HER*

The game is turning out to be a lot of work (I thought it would be, but perhaps not this much) and it's going fast. I guess I just thought the time would be slower, and I would have a little breathing room. My biochemistry class continues to add heaps of information to my load. Every class ends with Garrett staring mutely at me in horror, and then I cry a little.

But I did fairly well in my first round of tests/essays, so I'm making an attempt at optimism.

In other news, apparently the combined effects of biochemistry, history, and psychology create in me a great urge for interpretive dance. This is the only way I feel able to truly share with the world.

The Demosthenian All Night Meeting was last Saturday! I was a little out of it, to be honest, because I had driven to Atlanta that day for rehearsal.

Getting to the ATL wasn't that difficult, but I of course became confused by the signs and nearly went the wrong way a few times. Apparently it's impossible for me to adequately follow google maps.

Rehearsal went well, despite some truly lovely backhanded compliments. I generally ignore those, and move on. What's the point? I think some people just think a person is stupid if she doesn't respond to those, but I think people who do are the true idiots.

Getting back was... interesting, to say the least. As a note to myself and all others inclined to go from Atlanta to Athens, apparently you need different directions to go to Atlanta than the ones you need to get back. You know what I'm talking about- usually you can just follow the directions backward, but in this case- does not work.

Or maybe I'm just directionally challenged.

Either way, it ends up with this:

ROAD: No, you CANNOT go this way.

For the record, I apologize. But in my defense, the other drives are generally even dumber than me... Which really just exacerbates the situation.

Anywhoozle, I got back to Athens safely enough, only marred by a raging headache and horrible knots in my right shoulder. (Which you, Boyfriend, are welcome to fix at any time.**)

This brings me to the All Night Meeting. I don't really know how to describe it.... At least not in a way that will truly do them justice.

First of all, I'd just like to put out into the universe that Susana did an excellent job planning the whole thing. I suppose the long nights and the successive insanity were all worth it in the end. I, of course, did not stay for the whole thing. I was pretty tired from all the driving, so I was pretty much ready to beat it by about 11.

There were three speakers, the first of which was one of Susie's drama professors. He was hilarious, interspersing monologues he had done with his speech. The second and third were more serious, the former concerning breadth in education and the latter focusing on death in literature as an extended metaphor for real life.

Wow, I just read that again and it sounded awful.

I promise, it was actually really cool. It was a "you had to be there" moment.***

The rest of my time has been spent mainly gaming it up and studying for biochem. At some point I'm going to have to fit in studying for a psychology test... While doing eleven hours of rehearsal.... And planning a speech....


*When asked to think of a title, his response was "I dunno."
**Boyfriend! Oh, Boyfriend! BOYFRIEND! Stop reading over my shoulder and do something useful.
***This comment thoughtfully provided by Boyfriend. See, he can be creative!

1 comment:

Susan said...

If you are directionally challenged, you got it from me.
Try googling the directions both ways. But I have found google to be wrong on more than one occasion. Mapquest isn't much better. I am told that Bing has a good program but I haven't used it. Remind me to get you a good map. They are more reliable.