Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chronicle Number 22: Diary of a White Woman with Deeply Rooted Confidence Issues

So. This blog really hasn't existed in the last year. Admittedly, that is completely my fault. Every time I sit down to start writing, it just seems there is nothing to say. This is ridiculous, because my life has been so busy lately that it would be impossible to have nothing to talk about.

Today is January 30th, and while I can't promise to be better (it might be a lie) I can promise to try.

What is going on in the life of Lindsay? I know you are all wondering! Well, I'm now in my second semester of sophomore year here at UGA. Things, while not going completely swimmingly, have been reasonably okay. Of course, by "reasonably okay" I generally mean that I haven't started running around in circles shrieking yet, but don't count that out.

I'm taking four science classes. I vacillate between horror and thinking that it really isn't that bad. After all, at least they aren't all upper level courses... and I don't have four labs... I can do it! Heh....

On the positive side, my Organic Chemistry teacher seems pretty awesome. He is really good at explaining complicated things and relating them to the real world. It does result in some pretty interesting times while studying, though.

LINDSAY: Corinne! It's beautiful! This all makes sense, finally!
CORINNE: That's great!
LINDSAY: ...But what if it doesn't make sense? What if I'm crazy and I just think it makes sense but I'm wrong?
CORINNE: I make it a point not to talk to you when you get this way. I will now proceed to give you a pointed "My roommate has deeply rooted confidence issues" look.
LINDSAY: I see that pointed look. I know it means that I'm terrible at Organic Chemistry. Why? WHY?!
CORINNE: If you stop whining I'll give you a Cheerwine.
LINDSAY: ...Okay.

This really happens! Well, it is always possible that I am making it all up. But it's always true in my heart!

Physics and microbiology are utterly uninteresting. This is sad, but I'm dealing with it. I'm hoping micro will get more fun when we get into the actual organisms instead of talking about the cell wall and peptidoglycan. And when our professor realizes that yes, we are all sophomores and juniors in college, and yes, we should all know the meaning of words like "inert."

Biochemistry, however, now that's a hoot. And by "hoot" of course I mean "perhaps this class has been sent to finish off what was left of my soul."

It actually isn't the class itself... How to explain? The information is complicated, and there's a lot of it, but there isn't anything I can't handle (so far). The teacher actually seems like a really nice guy and very passionate about his part of the class. However, it is the fact that there are rants every Tuesday and Thursday (you could set your clock by them) which always go something like this:

PROFESSOR: Look at these quiz averages! Half the class didn't do well.
LINDSAY: Ah, yes. I didn't get to study for this one, I had my first lab... I'm really sorry, I'll do better next time.
PROFESSOR: This means that half the class is going FAIL HORRIBLY. You CANNOT CATCH UP.
LINDSAY: ...Wha-
PROFESSOR: You will NEVER get into ANY medical school or graduate school.
LINDSAY: Instead of learning today, I think I shall be paralyzed by fear. It will be a party.

In all seriousness, it almost seems as if he has just written half of us off. And if we mess up once, we're just goners. I don't respond well to this "method" of "teaching." As stated above, I slowly become paralyzed with terror and then am of no use at all.

Not quite there yet, though. Really, for the amount of stuff I'm doing I think I'm okay.

Well, there is the rundown! Hopefully it will sustain you for a little while, as you wait for the return of my glorious presence.

Just remember, no matter where I am- Lindsaytopia is always with you!