Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chronicle Number Eleven: Is That Your Sneaky Run?

This chronicle is named "Is That Your Sneaky Run?" because that is the precise question that Corinne asked not five minutes ago. It went something like this:

CORINNE: Is that your sneaky run?
LINDSAY: Why yes, why yes it is.
CORINNE: It's very good. I nearly couldn't see you.

The reasons we were sneakily running need not be made known to the general public. Just rest safely in the knowledge that it was in the interests of your intrepid teenage hero, and thus, in your own interests.

So, that thing called school. It is going quite well, actually, I think. The last two weeks (pretty much since you heard from me last), have consisted generally of Study!Lindsay and Insane!Lindsay switching off. Last weekend I went to Florida with the Quizbowl, which was super fun/AIGH GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW. The AGMOoHRN time was mainly when I was in the car, and when my dear teammates were seemingly attempting to kill each other.

Well, something that redeemed the weekend, and something that I have found to be extraordinarily amusing- Drunk people!

A couple of the guys (over 21, y'all) apparently have a tradition of getting super drunk the night before quizbowl. (Neither of them driving, y'all) For the sake of privacy, let's call them Bert and Ernie. The night for Bert and Ernie consisted of 1) singing in polish, 2) singing in russian 3) fighting about which was better, Poland or Germany.

Hilarity ensued, especially when Bert would tap Ernie lightly on the shoulders, and Ernie would fall over. Or when Ernie would try to walk over to Bert, and then fall over. Or when Ernie would try and convince me that he wasn't drunk- and then fall over.

So that was special. I've decided that while I still shall not get drunk, watching other people do it is okay.

The rest of quizbowl was good. I rode back in the car with Okon, Christine, and Steven, which ensured hilarity.

After that, the week erupted into madness, as it seems my life is wont to do. Had a calculus test on Tuesday (went okay, not sure how I feel about it, but I'm not crying into a bowl of oatmeal, am I?) had lab on Wednesday, and a chem test on Thursday, on which I got a 93! W00t.

I'm leaving now, to attempt to catch up in history, which I had woefully abandoned in an attempt to learn everything else. Much love, everyone, and don't worry-

We will attain Lindsaytopia!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chronicle Number Ten: I Desire a Mushroom Farm

When I am empress, I have decided to also be a mushroom farmer. Apparently, these actually exist. I am filled with joy at the prospect.

You see, in the book I have for my freshman seminar, it has a line that states "the ants carry the leaves to fungi, which they farm like we farm mushrooms." My first response?

LINDSAY: It shall be MINE!

So this is my new goal in life. Perhaps it will last a day or two.

The friends visited from Atlanta, which was a prospect that filled me with joy and horror. Joy, because I love my friends and miss them, and horror, because I wanted them to like UGA, so I wanted to think of cool things to entertain them with...

All which consisted of horrible failure after horrible failure.


MEGAN: Let us tralala to the corn maze!
LINDSAY: Corn maze? That sounds like a cool and entertaining thing.
MEGAN: We shall set out at 6:30!


MEGAN: Um. Well. Some people are not ready.
LINDSAY: I guess we can wait.


BRIANNA: .... Are they ready yet?
MEGAN: ...No.


MADDIE: Are they ready yet?


MADDIE: Are UGA people always this late?
LINDSAY: No! No! I pride myself on my punctuality!
BRIANNA: ...Fo' serious?
LINDSAY: Actually, no. That was a lie.


MEGAN: They're ready!
LINDSAY: Yes! Let the night of entertainment begin! We shall grab our coats and go.


LINDSAY: Um... Corinne? Where is everyone?
CORINNE: They left.
CORINNE: They didn't want to wait.
LINDSAY: !!! !!! !!!
MADDIE: ...Epic fail

...Yes, the caravan we had been promised had left. We had been given directions, but when we followed them, they did not lead us to the corn maze. All lies, lies and slander.


LINDSAY: We're going to the Rocky Horror Picture show! It should be super fun.
BRIANNA: YAY! XD The evening is not a failure yet!

CINEMA: I am closed.
CORINNE: All lies, lies and slander.
LINDSAY:...Epic fail.

Failed attempt number three consisted of us trying to get stirfry, and the people completely messing it up. It filled me with sadness.

But after the three failed attempts, we pretty much just hung out in the room and talked/did homework/played scrabble. I should of remembered, this is what my friends and I do.

So the weekend turned out to not be such an epic fail. I'm in a bit of a tizzy, because last night Megan scared me half to death.

MEGAN: Lab proposal 15 is due this week.
MEGAN: Oh. Well, lab is on friday, I'll be fine.
LINDSAY: !!! Don't lie to me, woman!
MEGAN: No, seriously, look. It's right here.

So I'm off to write that. Oodles and oodles of fun.