No... My life... is like a teakettle. Full of boiling energy and furor! Building up to the inevitable shriek! Dedicated to making tasty hot beverages!
Actually, that isn't right. I am not dedicated to making tasty hot beverages.
Perhaps my life is like a... An old purse. Full of fun surprises, like that old five dollar bill that you forgot about, but also full of terrible surprises, like that old piece of candy that you forgot about that is now melted and stuck to the five dollars, and also your hand.
Or maybe my life is like a shiny piece of aluminum foil, attempting to distract a squirrel (you) from the fact that I haven't blogged in forever.
Last week and the week before consisted of my first hell week. I call it just one, because I had an essay due on Thursday, a test on Friday, then two tests on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week. During this time I also had 5 hour rehearsal for the Georgia Chamber Choir and rehearsals for the St. Matthew Passion with the Collegium.
School is hard, but I'm attempting to get by. The only class that really worries me is biochemistry. I got a reasonably okay grade on the first test, but I still wasn't happy about it.
My professor is pretty good, if exceedingly difficult. There's only one really bad problem.
I'm looking at you, Nilla Wafer.
You see, dear audience, my friend Wes (forever referred to as "Nilla Wafer" because he is white and skinny) and our lovely friend Ben (forever referred to as "Ben" because he might kill me if I gave him a nickname. And he could do it. With one hand.) decided to tell Garret and me all about Dr. Adams during our time in Cortona.
These stories always consisted of them imitating Dr. Adams accent.
It's some sort of cockney/British/American hybrid, I think. There really isn't any way for me to get it across in text. Suffice it to say that now any time Dr. Adams says "Okay, let's get started" (every class) or "acetyl CoA" or a myriad of other trigger words, Garret and I have to fight the urge to laugh hysterically.
Sometimes this could be explained away, because I feel it is understandable to laugh hysterically after being taught the entirety of the TCA cycle in one lecture. In these cases, a student has a choice- laugh hysterically or cry hysterically. But other times, there is just no reason, and disrupting class because your teacher said "arachidonic acid" funny is generally frowned upon.
Other than that, my classes seem to be going well. I love People Parasites and Plagues, even if my teacher scares me a little. She's just generally that cool. I feel she could slay me with a well-raised eyebrow.
In history, we are starting a game! A reenactment! I am Mabel Dodge, Muse of Fifth Avenue! I must gather as many Personal Influence Points as possible! I get to design a mail box in which people can leave me notes and bribes. I also have my own day of class, in which I set the topic and decide who speaks. Basically, I am ballin'.
Jordan is Emma Goldman. She's an anarchist. Also, she has a hobo lover. I feel this is a very important detail.
I feel this blog post is winding down in quality. That's usually a sign that I should stop. In closing, let me say, Happy belated Valentine's Day to everyone! In the spirit of St. Valentine, be lovely to everyone every day, but please don't be a martyr. Stoning is not allowed in Lindsaytopia.
Oh, you're ask when I'll post again? Well, that's a difficult question, what's that behind you? Bees?
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