Sunday, October 9, 2011
Chronicle Number 41: Science Has Rules
Sometimes it's great. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes I just want to lie down and go to sleep for a month, and sometimes I can't wait for things to get moving... I guess I'm just a study in contradictions. Some things never change.
What can I say about my life, now?
Right now I'm studying for a massive immunology test, but I needed a break. In the last week I've had two papers and two midterms, so I've been a little crazy. Okay, a lot crazy. However, there has not been much screaming or gnashing of teeth, so there's been improvement since freshman year!
I pulled the same stunt that I always do, this semester. See, I'm only technically taking three actual classes, so I was so sure that I would have so much time! I would frolic, and dance, and make all A's really easily!
REAL LIFE: *creeps up on naive Lindsay*
LINDSAY: And I will bake cakes and hang out with Boyfriend and sing all the time and play card games and...
REAL LIFE: *Whacks Lindsay with Sledgehammer of Duty*
I tell you, that Sledgehammer of Duty leaves a rotten bruise. It does it every time, and I never learn.
First of all, I'm in lab about 20 hours a week. I actually really like it, it just takes up a lot of time. It's something that I can see myself doing for a long time. This is good, seeing how it is my life plan.
In actual classlandia, I'm taking Immunology, History of Popular Music, and Introduction to Religious Thought.
Immunology is... well, immunology. It's horrendously complicated and sometimes makes me want to strangle myself...
LINDSAY: The TCR binds to the MHC Class I which activates the CD40 that activates ZAP-70 in turn phosphorylating the ITAM on zeta? Too... Many... Acronyms...
BOYFRIEND: She's crashing! Send in the Glossary!
However, it is pretty interesting stuff. If you had told me that I would be considering doctoral programs in immunology three years ago, I probably would have laughed in your face.
LINDSAY: HA! Major in the one thing I don't understand easily! Pfft. And people call me crazy.
My history class is fun. I'm again taking with Dr. Wolf, who continues to be awesome. I feel kind of bad, because I just took the midterm in that class and I don't think it went that well. I just ran out of time, and instead of writing a shorter, better thought out essay, I kind of just threw in as much information as possible.
It's a crazy amount of work, though. A million readings, a huge research paper. She's definitely not wrong to ask for it, it's a 4000 level class. But I feel like I'm constantly slipping a little, because I just don't have the time. Then again, I seem to be the only one who is trying at all, so there's that.
WOLF, DESTROYER OF INGRATES: So, who can tell me about Wald's definition of the blues?
CLASS: *Silence*
LINDSAY: *gives answer*
WDI: And how does that relate to his thesis?
CLASS: *stares blankly*
LINDSAY: *looks around at everyone*
WDI: ...Just go ahead, Lindsay.
The same thing is kind of happening in my Religion class, but that's because it's a freshman level course and I am surrounded by ta dumb.
Okay. That was mean.
I don't really know how to feel about it. Sometimes I think I'm being extremely pompous and awful, but this class just drives me crazy. We move at a ridiculously glacial pace, and it could be saved if people would just talk about the concepts and have a good discourse, but no one wants to speak up.
I honestly think that it's just because it's a freshman class. That sounds bad, but it's true. While it seems to be the big thing now to bash college as being useless, I really think that by senior year we have learned enough that we are able to move faster and discuss more.
Also, I think I've been ruined for the social sciences.
PROFESSOR: And this is a study proving that Americans are more narcissistic than ever before!
LINDSAY: What are your experimental methods? Is this correlation implying causation? Do you have CONTROLS?!
PROFESSOR: *happily starts talking about something else*
Life at the apartment has been crazy, because we are all madly applying for things and are all terrified that we won't end up anywhere next year. Susana and I have planned for this. If we are alone and destitute, we will share a cardboard box.
Well, I must go back to reading immunology! One more chapter to go! One more... thirty page chapter... of death.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Chronicle Number 40: More Evidence of My Crazy
It's been a long journey here, and I tell you, comrades, it is not yet over. There are still tests to be taken! Journeys to commence! Dances to ridiculously dance!
I've realized that I've broken the cardinal rule these last few weeks. I guess at this point it's just irrevocably shattered. What is this rule, you ask? Well, Intrepid Young Sidekick Corinne could tell you.
It is simply, Never Give Them Evidence of Your Crazy.
Too late.
The weekend before last, I was able to give a whole new group this evidence! Soon all the world will know. Now, one man's crazy is another man's awesome, so I'm hoping that I can convince enough people that I am the latter. I was in Washington DC, for a concert at the National Gallery.
Weeks of work culminated in a lovely concert with the Men in Blaque from the University of Irvine. I don't really know if it was actually worth it, but if it wasn't then I am full of unspeakable horror. So I choose to believe that it was worth it. I don't want to be full of unspeakable horror, and I personally think that if you believe something long and hard enough that eventually it just has to be true.
The time in DC was fun, even if I couldn't really see much. Honestly, I feel sort of like an old hand at this, so I wasn't tres triste about not getting to go anywhere.
We did have lots of fun, though. There might have been a certain incident in which I named an umbrella "hobo slayer" declared myself "Hobo slaying sheriff" and recruited Amy, Sam and Laura as my hobo slaying deputies. But that's neither here nor there.
Of course, according to Murphy's Law, I couldn't get out of this completely unscathed.
FRIDAY: Today, Lindsay sings like an angel! There are no problems, it is quite lovely.
SATURDAY: Whose lovely voice is that? Oh, Lindsay's? She's awesome, you know.
On Sunday, however, I began to have a niggling sensation in the back of my throat.
Luckily my voice didn't completely give out until after the concert. It wasn't at its best, which was slightly depressing.
Then I got up on Monday to take my flight home.
At 4:00AM.
With a horrible head cold.
Well, I got back to Atlanta okay, even though I couldn't seem to sleep on the plane. Had breakfast with Bri Bri, which was fun. (In her words, "YAY!!! XD :) XDXD")
The week was uneventful, blah blah blah. I went home for Easter. Boyfriend was in Chicago, kicking butt and taking names at his Model UN conference. At least that's what I like to believe. (Reference to my earlier statement of believing things until they are true.)
BOYFRIEND: Lie to them! Lie to them!
LINDSAY: Oh, hush. You did well.
BOYFRIEND: I didn't get an award. I wasn't recognized!
LINDSAY: I'm beginning to think that you have a complex.
I think that perhaps our relationship works because we're both true blue purveyors of crazy.
This relationship would work even better if Boyfriend would buy me a Cheerwine. Hint hint.
Bonus Boyfriend Comment: This prior comment represents a special dynamic we have. My reply here: "You always do this. You say you want item X, I ask if you want me to get you one, you say no. Then you repeatedly comment about how you don't have item x, but maintain that 'It's fine' if I don't get you one." Lather rinse repeat. I'm a man, tell me if you want the Cheerwine or not.
Back to the awesome:
I'm just so misunderstood. Boyfriend doesn't get that I always want a Cheerwine.
By the way, I know what you're thinking right now, Mom. "She's so mean to him."
Wow, this has really descended into madness. (Oh, look! A Cheerwine!)
Anywhoot, Easter was fun. My Grandmother is here now, so it was nice to see her. Also, I love food. I could never be anorexic, I love food way too much.
Well, I should probably wrap this up. It's getting progressively more insane, and I'm getting progressively more bored while writing it. Plus, I should pay some attention to Boyfriend, as he is leaving me AGAIN this weekend. Geez.
Whatever you do, don't forget Lindsaytopia! Live the dream, people. Live. The. Dream.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Chronicle Number 39: My First and Foremost Jalapeno
Just kidding. Really. Please Mom, I'm fine. My self worth does not rely on the feelings of others. I make good choices. I remember who I am. I am kind to people and animals. Jesus loves me and so do you.
Moving on. What has been going on in my life? I think I've been gone for three weeks, right? Well, you won't get a rendition of most things, because I really can't remember past a week before. I never do. Live in the moment, that's me.
Last week was my week of horror. Really, it was the worst set of required things I've ever had. As tests go, it wasn't too bad. It was the rehearsals and performances that really cinched it.
The Friday before last I headed back to Augusta, in order to rehearse with the Georgia Chorus on Saturday. Fun times. Mom and I headed to PF Chang's to celebrate her acceptance into Seminary. In the true spirit of churchiness, we made many comments on the hot waiter. Don't worry, Boyfriend, Hot Waiter means nothing to me. You are my only hot tamale. My one true chili pepper. My first and foremost jalapeno.
...I'm going to stop now.
Rehearsal! Twas fine.
Saturday night it was back to Athens for Lindsay, so that I could go to the Bach rehearsal on Sunday. Scheduled from 3:00 to 9:00. I had the strange urge to commit hari kari. Monday was more rehearsal, Tuesday was the concert, and I had a psychology test on Wednesday. I'm not proud, but I really did kind of throw that test out the window. I didn't study at all. I just didn't have time, and we get a drop test.
Mom came to the performance on Tuesday, so we got to hang out a little. She loved it, so even though I didn't feel so fabulous, she helped me feel better about it.
Seriously, at some points this went on:
DIRECTOR: Come on, guys! You have to look angry at this part, it's important.
LINDSAY: *too tired to really care*
DIRECTOR: Think of something that makes you mad!
LINDSAY: *thinks I HATE REHEARSAL while singing*
DIRECTOR: Much better! *Oodles of smiles*
So, are you keeping up? Great, because I have more! There was a biochemistry test on Friday, which I just won't go into. This is supposed to be a funny blog, and ranting about the injustice of my ridiculous professor's ways really won't be fun reading. Suffice it to say, it was super hard but not as bad as it could be, and I'm hoping I pull a grade that will keep me at a B. I'm not being picky, at this point.
Saturday... You guessed it! More Georgia Chorus rehearsal.
It was also the first anniversary for Boyfriend and me. *Cues Awwwws*
It was very sweet. I got back to Athens, and we went to Utage for dinner, which is a sushi place I like. He was generally the sweet and awesome Boyfriend that we know so well. I won't go to far into the details. Just picture yourself descending into a barrel of sap, and you'll have how I feel about Boyfriend.
Then we went to a ball! Yes, you read that right. Demosthenian Literary Society was hosting a ball. Alex just joined, and Susana and Jack are already members.
It was very fun. We danced like maniacs. It's something I like to do, oh, every hour or so. It's nice to dance like a maniac in a socially accepted setting. They don't take too it well when you do it in the middle of the Student Learning Center.
Sunday I had to head to Conyers, GA for another performance. Woot.
This one went alright, but I think the reverb actually worked against us in parts. I can't wait to get a recording, though. Dad came to this one with a friend, and he took me out to dinner afterward.
Geez, this is turning into a narrative. I'm sorry, it's just that this week has been really busy. I'll try to sum it up more quickly.
Yesterday was mainly spent studying. I had a Peoples, Parasites, and Plagues test today. I probably didn't study as much as I should, but oh well. I think it went pretty well. PPP really suffers from being my last exam at times. It has happened twice now. When it is the last thing in a long string of things to do, I end up burned out and unable to really concentrate on things.
So yes! Today was my last test! I'm free, FREE.
...Until I start studying on Thursday for my Biochemistry final.
Isn't my life a hoot?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Chronicle Number 38: Lindsay and Boyfriend Go to Miami
I know that you are all sighing. I know that you wish it was not me, but Boyfriend who is writing this chronicle. I know, because I know you. I know you like him better than me. I see it in your eyes. Just remember that your first loyalty must lie with me.
I know that I have not updated you in awhile. I know that this fills you with woe, but too bad. I have no sympathy.
The past few weeks (minus spring break) have been filled with crazy. You'd think I'd be used to that, but alas, I am not.
The two weeks before spring break were spent in test taking, as per usual. The reenactment game we played in history was not cooperating with me, so I had a million things to do for that.
It would have been fine, except it really felt like not many people were actually prepared. Also, some of our people didn't even show up. Seriously, one disappeared before the game even started, one disappeared into the ether after one session, and one missed about four of the eight game days, if I'm counting right.
This made everything really difficult. When the people don't show up, and you've only got 12 to start with, it really throws a wrench into things. It did lead to funny situations, like when our professor talked to the roommate of the guy who hadn't shown up.
LINDSAY: Yeah, Hutch Hapgood hasn't been here since the first day.
ANNOYING CLASSMATE 1: Oh, I think he dropped.
WOLF: *overhears.* I haven't got any notification about it.
AC1: I'm sure he did!
WOLF: Tell him that he should.
Now, you can't get the true tone of her voice from this transcript, but just imagine that a woman named Montgomery Wolf, whose specialization is in the history of Punk Rock, and is generally epic in every way, just told you to drop a class in the most dangerous tone possible. Yeah, it was scary.
It confuses me, I guess, because I don't understand the mindset. Why would you skip a class that has ten people? The professor is going to know! And she doesn't have to give a Withdrawal Passing if she doesn't want to.
Well, whatever. I got through it, I have an A, and Wolf seems to like me. She is really pretty epic.
Getting up to break was kind of a slog. At one point I was just done. It ended up okay, because I didn't have to study all that much for my Peoples, Parasites and Plagues class. And then it was break! Hurray!
Spring Break turned out really well. The first bit I spent cleaning, which was not so much fun. But I also had time to do other stuff, so the cleaning was not too bad.
On Thursday I set off to Miami with Boyfriend and his family! If those words make you feel nervous terror, then you're just like me. Congratulations, you've achieved state of supreme being. Or supreme crazy, whichever way you look at it.
It ended up being pretty great. Mr. and Mrs. Boyfriend are awesome. Boyfriend has a hilarious relationship with his Dad, which mainly consists of
BOYFRIEND: *Says something. Anything at all, really, it doesn't matter.*
MR. BOYFRIEND: You are completely wrong, and here is why.
BOYFRIEND: Actually, sir, YOU are completely wrong. This is why.
MR. BOYFRIEND: I have stopped listening to you, because I prefer to insult your hair.
BOYFRIEND: That's funny, because I prefer to insult your age.
MRS. BOYFRIEND and LINDSAY: *look at each other and sigh*
It was all in good fun. I was left behind sometimes, because I don't always get all the legal/political stuff.
Well, I'm off now. I know this was not that exciting, but I'm sitting at a table with a bunch of people and I'm getting distracted. I'm just so popular. :P
Don't worry though, Lindsaytopia will soon arrive!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Chronicle Number 37: Boyfriend Speaks! The World Gasps in Horror!
Greetings and salutations, all ye followers of Lindsaytopia!
This chronicle is brought to you by none other than the mysterious, vaguely spoken of Boyfriend. At the request of Lindsay, I’m filling in for her this week and talking to you about a week in the life of her significant other, although her commentary may be interspersed throughout.
LINDSAY: He thinks I’m a busybody. Geez. No faith. *pauses* Wait… Ah, what the heck. My comments will be in between slashes.
While my darling has been busy with Biochemistry and the other horrors of South Campus here at UGA (things that I, as a Political Science and International Affairs major, know little to nothing of), I have been dealing with the tribulations and, for lack of a better word, trials /Oh haha. He’s so punny./ of being a Mock Trial captain. For the uninitiated, Mock Trial is a competitive simulation of an actual court case, with attorneys, witnesses, evidence, objections, etc. It’s like Law and Order, except without all of the Hollywood “poetic licenses” on little things, like “relevance” and “constitutional rights.” /I, personally, find those things silly./ Our case this year was a civil product liability trial – a company had made this toy (the innocent-sounding “Princess Beads”) that contained a chemical that turned into a date-rape drug when ingested. If you remember the hoopla over “Aqua Dots” a few years back, you know the basic idea here. When a 2 year old swallows several of the beads, he goes into respiratory arrest and dies, leading to the parent suing the toy company. I’ve been doing Mock Trial for about six years now, and this has probably been the most complicated case I’ve ever worked with. I even had to consult Lindsay /I’ve told him to refer to me as “divine goddess,” but does he listen? No./ on a few issues about toxicology and biochemistry (which were a huge part of the case). I was on the defense earlier in the year, representing the toy company, and it was… challenging, to say the least. That side really sucked a lot of the emotion out of the case- necessary but annoying. The other side has the whole “dead child” narrative going for them, which forces the defense to try and suppress a lot of the emotion. That’s really not my style, so I was really excited to be switched over to plaintiff for this semester. Alex righteous indignation returns in glory!!
I was also lucky enough to get to be captain of a C-team, a great experience, considering that only I and my co-captain had done College Mock Trial before, and the entire team was freshmen and sophomores. I could not have been happier with my team. They were dedicated, focused, and amazingly talented. UGA’s program will remain a terror for many years at this rate.
Our actual record at the regional in Kennesaw, GA last weekend might not be the best indicator of that, however. We finished 3-4-1 (3 wins/4 losses/ 1 tie) out of eight ballots (the score sheet for each of two judges in four rounds) – not too impressive. In our defense, we did face UNC-Chapel Hill’s A-team (finished 6th overall), Emory’s A-team (finished 2nd overall), and Duke’s B-team (finished 3rd overall, and probably one of the best teams I have ever seen). Our other round was kind of a joke, as we won by 45 and 23 points. My team joked about making a YouTube remix of some of the more choice quotes and more outrageous/less logical points. I tend to doubt the competency of a team that actually attempts to be hostile with the grieving mother of the dead child. That round actually ceased to be fun, the beatdown was so bad. /Please. Beat downs are always fun./
Beyond that, my life for the past week has been a slog through preparing for 3 midterms (which ended up all on one day! Oh joy…) and the first half of another one. They actually went pretty well. My International Relations one may have been a bit iffy, but I’m pretty sure I can pick up any slack with the essay part next week. I’m taking another class with my IR professor next semester, which may or may not be good for my GPA, but I don’t really care because it’s his specialty – IR decision making. He actually takes a neuroscience bent on it, looking at decision making from a psychological perspective, which is kind of what I wanted to do coming into college. Excited? You better believe it. /Excited!Alex is super adorbs, btw./
I also made my first full foray into the Demosthenian Literary Society this week. For, well FOREVER, Jack and Susana (both Demosthenians) have been telling me I need to get involved there, but I just haven’t had the time between Mock Trial and Model United Nations. The conversation goes something like this:
JACK: Why aren’t you in Demosthenian yet?
ALEX: blah blah blah too much in my schedule blah blah blah
/Oh Lord, no. I like my Alex the way he is. Demosthenians are cray cray. *gets dagger glares from Susie* But also wonderful! Yay Demosthenian!/
So, since they were debating the dissolution of the Student Government Association (and calling out SGA people to speak), I had to go and watch. I actually got up and spoke! /Alex? Giving a speech? That never happens. Except every time he’s allowed./ I thought I was received pretty well, and a few people asked me questions during the speech (including several from Susana – probably just because she could use the opportunity to badger me. I’m onto you, Susana…). /Boyfriend and my roommate are besties. Death besties./ I actually might try and join the Society. It might be a good way to get me out of the rhetoric withdrawals I go through without Mock Trial. Any advice for my petitioning address is welcomed – I’m currently between arguing the value of the unexplainable or better communication through chanting. /Better communication through chanting! You can be a cheerleader!/
There’s my piece. All hail Lindsay the Wonderful!
Alex, aka Boyfriend
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Chronicle Number 36: It's Good Boyfriend Isn't Naming These.*
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Chronicle Number 35: Oh Look! Bees!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Chronicle Number 34: The Perfect Vacation; Small Animal Sacrifice, Vultures, and Balloons!
I haven't written in the new year. So far, it's been okay. I'm really hoping that this one is a better one. I do have a lot of things to be excited about in 2011, but there are also some worrisome events in the future...
However, worry is stupid. It really isn't doing anything for me, is it? All it does is take my energy away from finding solutions and dealing with what is happening right now.
In the weeks since I last wrote, it has pretty much been a mix of a lot happening and nothing happening. I spent New Year's in Athens. I love my friends. Only we would bring in the New Year by watching football (please don't ask, don't talk about it, I know and it makes me want to cry) and playing board games. We tried to go Hispanic dancing, but that turned into an epic fail- the place was closed, even though there was a facebook event and fliers. Sadness. We made it fun, though, and Boyfriend was sweet enough to drive in from Chattanooga. Ferguson, the Intrepid English Man and Boyfriend's Bestie, took offense to this, but you know what I say?
LINDSAY: Pbbbbt. You didn't make plans, so I get him.
FERGUSON: I'm cranky. And English.
On New Year's Day, Susana and I set off for Orlando, accompanied by Susie's brother Daniel (Intrepid Teenage Muscleman) and her cousin Alfredo.
Orlando was... Fun. We got there about 12:30AM, because of a combination of crappy travel occurrences. First of all, it rained nearly the whole way. Secondly, we hit a couple patches of bad traffic. It also took forever for us to get dinner. Anywho, we got to the... place... very late. I think I shall call this part of the chronicle:
Our condo was in a very strange area of Florida. Some might call it ghettoville. It was pretty much just on the four lane highway, and the side of the road was filled with crazy shops that were covered in murals. These murals were mainly American Flags or safari animals. We attempted to get to a place we could sleep. The way it worked was that we had to call the office and get the code for the drop box, which would contain a key and directions to our condo.
We couldn't find the box.
We aimlessly drove around for awhile, convinced that we would be eventually kidnapped and sold into slavery. We decided to sell Daniel and Alfredo to save ourselves, because Daniel is prettier than us and Alfredo cannot speak English. Finally we called the office again. We made Daniel talk this time.
DANIEL: Where is this office?! And please don't let my sister sell me.
RANDOM WORKER: I think I'll give you really bad directions. Not because I hate you, but because I am an idiot.
DANIEL: I'll take what I can get. I don't want to die.
So we drove around some more, now with a slight idea how to find the place. On the way, this exchange took place:
DANIEL: Susie, where are we staying, anyway?
SUSANA: It's called Florida Magic.
DANIEL: The Lord of Magic?
SUSANA: ...Yes.
DANIEL: You've killed us all.
The best part of this is that there was a shop that had a huge wizard on the top of it. Susana nearly told Daniel that he had to stay there.
Anyway, we finally got to the box, got our keys, and got to the condo. Then we got to the really "interesting" part.
It was a strange mix of grandiose and crappy. It was huge, with four bedrooms and three baths, a kitchen, a den, and a sort of sitting room. The furniture was really nice, even though it kind of looked like someone had time-traveled to the Victorian Era and brought back couches, then reupholstered them in velor. Also, there was a dark red stain on one of the couch's arms, which we termed the "small animal sacrifice" spot.
Susana and I pictured it as a lot of "Oh s***" moments. For instance, the TV didn't quite work, and the walls were really thin. And the flooring in my room wasn't laid quite properly, so whenever I walked on certain spots the wood buckled. In Susana's room, the bed and the dresser didn't really both fit. So the dresser was pushed in front of the window, which might have been fine except for the whole "giant Victorian furniture" think I was telling you about. The mirror completely covered the window- all you could see was the top edge.
But all of this was really fine. It was actually the perfect combination, because none of it was truly bad- we could just laugh about it all. So the next day, we drove past the flock of vultures in our parking lot (yes. The flock. Of vultures. In our parking lot.) and went to Universal.
Universal itself was really awesome. Harry Potter World was great, in spite of the crazy amounts of crowd. I tried butterbeer, pumpkin juice- the gamut. I would actually like to go back at a time when there might not be so many people, but I don't know when that would be. It was really nice to go with a bunch of people who really wanted to do all the roller coasters. (Note- the Rip Ride Rock it. Epic.)
On the second day we had to go to the Florida Magic office and turn in our registration sheet. Susie and I went in. The lady there was pretty interesting. She was wearing clothes that she should not have been wearing, and she had the most ridiculous hair I'd ever seen. We asked her a couple questions, she seemed perfectly nice. Then this happened:
LINDSAY: So do we have to wash the dishes?
LADY: Naw, just let us take care of that!
SUSANA: Thanks! And sorry about getting this in late!
LADY: That's alright, my loves. *creepy smile*
LINDSAY AND SUSANA: *twin looks of horror*
We immediately tried to leave. Susana attempted to open the door. It wouldn't open. She tried the other. No dice. She frantically began shaking it. I saw the descent of my life into slavery in the Ukraine and my eventual death flash before my eyes.
Thankfully, the door finally gave in. I think it sensed our growing desperation. We ran, escaping our captors narrowly.
But the rest of the trip was fine! Except for traffic in Atlanta, we didn't really have any problems getting back.
I got home, hung out with my mom. We went out one day to celebrate her new job. Then I headed back to Athens. Boyfriend cooked me dinner on Saturday (he's a gem) and then on Sunday I was promptly snowed into my apartment. That's when the whole "absolutely nothing" comes into play. It was fun for awhile, but by Thursday I was really happy to go to class.
This first week of class has been okay. I don't know quite how I feel about things yet. There's been a little drama with classes, but so far it's been fine. I think I now have everything together. I'm only taking 12 hours, but that doesn't mean it's easy. I've still got four classes (for science majors that's a lot) and it looks like all of my tests/essays are going to be falling in the same weeks. So I might die, but what's the fun of school without fear of imminent mortality? No fun at all, I'm telling you.
I leave you now, with