Monday, August 18, 2008

Starting this, Or Confusing Chronicle Number One

I am here! Athens, that is. Actually, I've been roosting here since last Thursday... I know that day lives in your memory, and will forevermore. It was the day that your wonderful Lindsay left you, all alone in the plains of the desolate Augusta. Desolated without Lindsay's face- her beautiful smile, her clear, bell-like voice.

I know it's awful, but you'll get through it. I believe in you.

So, anywho, the point is that I got here last Thursday. The drive was oh so many tons of fun. I was definitely feeling very lonesome, even in the drive here. Sorrowful Lindsay kept fighting with Practical Lindsay.

SORROWFUL LINDSAY: Oh, poor house! How I will miss thee! I shall see you years hence.
PRACTICAL LINDSAY: Dude, you are so coming back labor day weekend.
SORROWFUL LINDSAY: O! Kemp Drive! How I love thee! Let me count the ways! I live on you!
PL: Labor day. You are coming back two weeks from now.
SL: Sadness!
PL: Two weeks!

Practical Lindsay eventually won out. When we got here, we did some shopping. What must every college student have? The answer is simple. A Wal-mart. We spent about 30 minutes getting almost everything on our list and then an HOUR looking for a LIGHTBULB. Oodles of fun.

Then the parental units left, and I did some meeting people, who totally shot down my brownies. You would think that brownies would pack some serious friend-punch (though perhaps that is a poor choice of words) but no, they were shot down, time and time again.

LINDSAY: Want a brownie? And a new best friend?
SORORITY GIRL: Um, like, no. *queer "are you trying to make me fatter than you" look*

LINDSAY: Brownie? Anybody want a delicious homemade brownie?
RANDOM MALE VERTEBRATE: No. Though I think it's nice that you're in love with me.
LINDSAY: ...what?

Finally I went to game night and put the brownies on the table. Where people ate them who did not know that they were from me. Ultimate failure. And no, for those who haven't lived inside my head, some of the above did not actually happen. It was mostly what I was imagining these people thinking.

Most of the next few days was made up of making new friends (which actually worked out pretty well) hanging out with them, and eating.

A lot.

Because without the class, I've found that there is really nothing to do during the day at college accept go to a dining hall and drink smoothies. But as classes are starting, I think that there will actually be no time to hang around and drink smoothies, no matter how fabulous said smoothies are.

So. Classes. Pretty important, right? They started today. For me, at 8 AM! Yay! Contrary to unpopular belief, 8AM classes are so not fun. I got totally lost looking for class #1, attempting to find a room that didn't exist, and thus walked into my first class 10 min. late. But they understood. I am, after all, an ickle freshie.

I also went to Integral Calculus and Chemistry today, nearly lost my wallet, took at 30 min hike, bought my books and nearly cried (OMG BOOKS COST A LOT), and went to a choir thing that I'm not sure I'll do. Oh, and got on the right bus but missed my stop and rode around campus. Around and around and around.

There you are, your healthy dose of Lindsay! Hopefully it will tide you over until you can bask in the warm glow of my presence again.

BTW, my roomie is super cool. She is very much like me...



Susan said...

How fun! Even though I already know most of this,(except for the brownie fiasco) it was fun reading it. Keep 'em coming. Love you. See you in 2 weeks.
--- mom

Laura said...

Ohsomuchfun! Thanks for letting us all in on a little bit of your life (or thanks for letting live vicariously through you and re-live my college glory days!) Love this!

L-O-V-E the name!

lindsayiana said...

What a wonderful gift to those who care so much about you and are so invested in your first experience at the university, and we even get to respond to your daily (when not steeped into your "expensive" classroom texts) musings.

Je t'aime beaucoup,
ton pere

Unknown said...

Reading this was like listening to you talk - funny funny. I forwarded it to Mark and he thought it was great. Know that we are thinking of you and will look forward to the next entry.

I love the name!!!

rnnyhoff said...

Love the "Gaak!" ... it has an oral and a visual component to it. Super that you're loving history and that you're responding wonderfully to your Professeur Francais.

Je t'aime beaucoup ma jeune fille,
ton pere

Mark said...

I find it very hard to believe that our intrepid hero has had NOTHING to say for a week. Impossible to believe. If only she had been this quiet while around me...