Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chronicle Number Four: Remember the Steak Day

Hello from University of Georgia! Have you missed me? It's been nearly a week since you heard from me last. I honestly don't know how you do it. If it makes you feel better, I don't know what I would do without you, my ravening horde of fans. (If "ravening horde" is defined as approximately 10 people, tops.)

Well, here I am, and I think I'm starting to get into the rhythm of things. I've found friends that will deal with my mood swings (Although I miss my at home friends terribly) so that's good. I like the people on my hall. Myers is pretty awesome, and there is no partying here that I know of (YAY!) so no random annoying drunk people! I know, I know, they are a part of college life, and I haven't been here on a game weekend, but still.

By the way, game day is Saturday! We're playing Georgia Southern.

LINDSAY: Go. Fight. Win. W00t.

Okay, so I'm not that excited. Oh well. I do have tickets, though. I got a split season, so I think I'll go to at least one game, and then sell the other tickets for mucho deneros!!!

SLYTHERIN!LINDSAY: MWAHAHA! I take bribes. Food or money is acceptable.

OMG YOUS GUYS. So, get this. Before game day, they have a food festival!!! Okay, maybe not a festival, per say, but there's steak! And asparagus! And cake! And boiled peanuts!!!

I'm going to be so fat. I'm lucky this only happens before games. (I think.)

Speaking of food... A horrible thing happened today. Your queen was beset with a flipping tray.

And showered with coca cola.



It was a horrible tragedy! I call for a memorial day on which we remember and mourn for this sad event!

Thankfully, the intrepid teenage sidekick Megan stepped in and stopped your intrepid teenage hero from fainting from the horror. So I got to go get more food. The crisis was averted. (But it was still a tragedy! Perfectly wonderful steak! On the carpet! A travesty, a travesty, I tell you.)

Ahem. Perhaps I should stop talking about food. Classes are pretty snazzy, a different crisis was averted when I finally got to order my french book. I'm keeping up with my reading... There was a horrible calculus quiz.

DR. GRAHAM CALC TEACHER EXTRAORDINAIRE: Do this. By the way, it's sort of like your homework , but completely different!
LINDSAY: *makes something up.*

Oh well. It's a tiny droplet in the lake that is our grade, and I'm pretty sure no one else had any idea either, so I'm not going to worry about it.

Oh, yes. I also nearly died. Please don't freak out. I know it's hard, thinking of loosing your fearless leader, but I was nearly mowed down by a mo-ped. It would have been a horrible undignified death. Thankfully, my wonderful friend Corinne reached out and snatched my back from the jaws of death.

CORINNE: You're okay now.

I promptly asked Corinne to move to California and marry me. :D Because that is so obviously the best reaction to a near death experience. So she will now be referred to as "my intrepid teenage fiancee."

But this was probably a good thing. Honestly. (Seeing the silver lining here.) I am now being EXTREMELY careful.

Nothing else of note has really been going on. (I know, I know, my every breath is of note, but that would make a very long blog entry.) I gave blood yesterday! Do you think my blood can convey awesomeness upon another? I think so. Lucky person.

Anyway, too de loo! Comment comment comment!!!


Laura said...

Have fun visiting home this weekend and give your lovely family hugs for me!

rnnyhoff said...

Please, please be careful on Athens' roadways as a pedestrian. Do not, I repeat, do not, TEXT while crossing a byway. Focus on a more vital, important element - your existence and continued breathing, which would be, if documented breath by breath, an extremely long blog entry that might be of use for hopeless insomniacs.

But I love your writing and your wonderful thought process. Keep it comin'. After your studies, of course.

Je t'aime beaucoup,

Susan said...

I love to hear about all the little details of your days and your experiences. It makes me feel like I have had a visit with you. It was great to have you home for the weekend. Get busy and keep up with your work. The time will fly by. See you soon!
love --- mom

Matsuri - Japanese Festivals said...

*comment comment comments* :3