I return to you, out of the mists of time, in my small boat upon the sea that is college life. The trials and tribulations of my journey have been many, and I have willfully, stoically persevered. I'm just noble and true like that.
I really do feel quite guilty, but writing about it will merely take up precious time and space, and therefore, [insert "Blah blah blah I'm sorry for not writing" speech of your choice here.]
Let us go back, back into those mists of time, into the days long before the present. Of course, I'm talking about spring break.
Now, I had been pretty down before spring break, with the usual "woe, woe is me, I don't want to be here, when is spring break?" I'm pretty sure that is a symptom of all students around April/March. I had a Plan, y'all! It was a great Plan too.
I was going to go to the beach with Corinne and Erin, have tons of fun, lay out on the beach, go to St. Augustine, relax. And then I was going to come back to UGA refreshed and with an open mind, ready to soak up information like a lovely green sponge. (Yes, I would be a green sponge, just accept it.) But as is with most of my plans, this one failed.
Instead of coming back relaxed and refreshed, I came back as "Woe, woe is me, I don't want to be here, where did the beach go, and when is summer break?"
It was a sad state of affairs.
Spring break was simply to great. I spent a great deal of time dozing on the sunny beach, listening to the waves... I ignored my school work, because I had already decided that that is what I would do. I went to Universal Studios with the intrepid teenage sidekicks.
...I should stop talking about this, because I am going to fall into another depression from beach-lack.
Suffice it to say, it was super fantabulous.
I then came back to UGA, and began classes. I have been in a pretty terrible mood, with breaks of course, but it didn't really end until a few nights ago I was lying in bed feeling sorry, when I said to myself
LINDSAY: Self, get over it. You've got five more weeks, you should buck up.
SELF: But I don't wanna! I want to be emo and sit in a corner and cry fat tears that drip down my face ever so slowly and read Edgar Allen Poe!
LINDSAY: Am I going to have to slap somebody?
SELF: Well, now that you mention it perhaps it's time to take a more optimistic view of things.
LINDSAY: That's what I thought, self.
Besides, Erin has an inordinate amount of chinese tests, and an o-chem test today, which results in
ERIN: I'm going to die! I'm going to fail out of the honors program and then out of college and then I'm going to serve burgers at McDonald's and live on minimum wage and become a drunk and DIE!
CORINNE: This sounds slightly like someone else we know.
LINDSAY: I deny everything.
So yes, Erin and I both have a slight propensity for over-dramatization. And really, there's only room for one friend running about like a chicken with its head cut off. This week, Erin is the chicken.
This mood was not helped by the resurgence of late night girl woes, which are common nasty pitfalls in Girl World. They mainly consist of
STEREOTYPICAL GIRL: Woe, woe, woe is me! Why do I not have a manfolk of my very own?
Well, I am female, and thus fall into these pits of woe, but 98% of the time I wake up the next morning with a new view of the world.
LINDSAY: I don't want a manfolk of my very own! They take up time and energy! You have to feed them and walk them and if you pay too much attention to the dancing boys the manfolk whines!
So things (in spite of the previous few weeks,) are going quite well. I am pretty sure that my last chemistry test was terrible, but I get to drop a grade so I'll be fine. I just love those tests when all the material is easy and yet the professor manages to make the test extraordinarily difficult... And by "love" I mean "hate with a burning passion of my SOUL."
Well, I'm off again to navigate the seas of college on my raft! Know that all is done in the pursuit of Lindsaytopia!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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